
Judy Dion has twenty years of experience in the field of conservation in both the treatment of paintings and in general collections care. Judy is well versed in a range of treatments on paintings dating from the 15th-21st centuries, having worked on both institutional collections and privately owned works. Judy received her M.S. in Art Conservation with a concentration in Paintings from the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation in 2003. She received five years of post-graduate fellowship training at the Balboa Art Conservation Center in San Diego, CA, and at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia, PA. Before moving to the Boston area in 2014, she worked over the course of ten years as a conservator at Philadelphia's three great cultural institutions: the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Barnes Foundation, and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Earlier experience in conservation treatment and the preservation of cultural heritage was gained at institutions ranging from large to small, including the Colonial Williamsburg FoundationCanterbury Shaker Village, and the Brooklyn Museum

Beyond treatment, broader experiences include formation and implementation of collection-wide preventive conservation policies, successful grant writing and review, and historical-technical research. Judy is a Professional Associate of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC), and is an active participant and past speaker in that organization's Paintings Specialty Group. Judy's full resume is available upon request.